Deep science ventures. Week 2. The team

Ivan Isakov
2 min readMar 27, 2017


22 Jan ’17

DSV. Meet the cohort. 30 amazing people:

Biologists, chemists, biochemists, physicists, immunologist, geneticist, product designers, architect, mechanical engineer, specialists in machine learning, microfluidics. Awesome.

While I was away, everyone was looking for a partner to form a 2-person team. I had to keep up.
After 3 calls on Sunday found a team member. Kourosh - an amazing UX and product designer, did Innovation Design course at RCA/Imperial, developed a welding glove. A line "human augmentation" in his bio made me interested. From my part I came to DSV interested in developing (bio)sensors.

Therefore we decided to start with an amazingly broad topic "Augmenting human perception".

Every Monday the managing team consisting of Dominic and Mark (DSV directors) gives a seminar on various skills. The main idea from the first one was: arrange your project around three things: Need, Team, Vision.

Also, couple of times a week they are bringing interesting people to talk to us. Again, first one was George who was talking about how to get help from people without giving them equity or money. Regarding emails:

  • Play with their ego (flatter)
  • Induce empathy (I am themselves in young age)
  • Super-clear what you want

Be prepared for 100 emails -> 10 answers -> 1 positive

Meanwhile, for our project we started ideating, calling people who we know or seen on Youtube, asking them about the problems and needs. Found out millions of things about VR. Interesting, confusing. How do I apply my knowledge and expertise?

Week ended.



Ivan Isakov

PhD in electronics engineering, entrepreneur and researcher